The following has been sent out to all members. Should it not reach you by email for any reason, then please contact Rod Taylor – This is a very important meeting to decide to new direction of the club. All members are urged to attend.

” At the request of the WSKC Committee an Extraordinary General meeting will be called for the 19th January at 13.00 hrs. It will be held in the club house and open practice will resume after the meeting’s business is completed.

Decisions taken at the recent AGM required your committee to look to the future of the club and its development of track improvements and marketing for 2019 and beyond. As a result of consultation, the committee wish to ask the membership to endorse some major points.

1    Approve a plan to create a new corporate structure involving the creation of WSKC Limited.

2    Approve a plan to seek external funding by loan or other methods.

3    Choose and Approve a layout for track improvements having consideration for any requirements of Motorsport UK and or our insurers.

4    Approve the appointment of Neil Leishman as WSKC secretary.

You should be aware of the rules of our constitution governing the calling of an EGM. It is accepted under item 14 of the constitution that 2018 membership is not considered as lapsed until 1st March 2019 and therefore 2018 membership is valid for the purpose of those present voting, providing that they were members on or before 27th October 2018.

There are some very exciting ideas for you to consider. WSKC is your club and you need to decide on its future. You are encouraged to attend this meeting if at all possible and express your views relating to these proposals.
If you have any questions then please feel free to contact either, Michael Smith – Full contact details are on the club website (

WSKC Committee “